Issue 2
Issue 2

The extrahepatic manifestations of chronic HCV can affect many different organ systems. In this eViralHepatitis Review podcast, Dr. Rajender Reddy fro...

Expired: 02.27.2022
Issue 1
Issue 1

While the hepatic manifestations of hepatitis C infection (HCV) (eg, cirrhosis and liver cancer) are well known, the extrahepatic manifestations are a...

Expired: 02.13.2022
Issue 2
Issue 2

In her recent newsletter issue (eHIV Review V5 #1), Dr. Ethel Weld, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences at the Johns...

Expired: 12.22.2021
Issue 1
Issue 1

The current gold standard for HIV treatment — triple drug therapy — is evolving. Dual drug regimens — two drugs from two separate cl...

Expired: 12.15.2021
Issue 8
Issue 8

Spirometry, FEV1, the FEV1/FVC ratio, the GOLD guidelines — in this case-based podcast, Dr. Emily Brigham from The Johns Hopkins University Scho...

Expired: 11.29.2021
Issue 7
Issue 7

The initial challenge for the primary care clinician managing potential COPD is making an accurate differential diagnosis. What role does spirometry p...

Expired: 11.29.2021
Issue 6
Issue 6

In her recent Newsletter issue, Dr. Nirupama Putcha from The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine analyzed the impact the newer research may ha...

Expired: 11.10.2021
Issue 5
Issue 5

Managing COPD in primary care is becoming more complicated. With an increased focus on individualizing therapy, along with emerging data about the rol...

Expired: 10.16.2021
Issue 4
Issue 4

Avoiding hypoglycemia, recognizing cognitive dysfunction, and individualizing treatment to account for renal insufficiency, cardiovascular disease and...

Expired: 08.16.2021
Issue 3
Issue 3

The majority of people with type 2 diabetes are managed by their primary care clinicians. The growing population of older adults with T2DM is a high-r...

Expired: 08.16.2021
Issue 12
Issue 12

“U=U” — an Undetectable HIV viral load means Untransmittable HIV virus. In her recent eHIV Newsletter Issue (Vol. 4; No. 11), Dr. Ji...

Expired: 07.24.2021
Issue 11
Issue 11

U=U: Undetectable = Untransmittable. People with HIV viral loads so low as to be undetectable — are they really no longer able to transmit the v...

Expired: 07.01.2021
Issue 2
Issue 2

PrEP — pre-exposure prophylaxis to prevent HIV transmission — is safe, it’s effective, and it’s significantly underused in the...

Expired: 06.14.2021
Issue 1
Issue 1

Randomized trials have demonstrated that HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is highly efficacious at preventing HIV acquisition. To date, however, up...

Expired: 06.14.2021
Issue 10
Issue 10

Evidence-based plans to improve adherence — how do they work in practice? How can they most effectively be tailored to each patient’s need...

Expired: 05.30.2021
Issue 8
Issue 8

Should all patients with cirrhosis be treated immediately for hepatitis C infection? What are the circumstances when it’s better for patients to...

Expired: 04.25.2021